Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Coming out strong against bicycle helmets: a 5-year FLASHBACK blog!

(Originally posted May 2, 2007)

When did riding a bike become such a dangerous and complicated activity?  When I was a kid I was on and off my bike 100 times a day.  You don't need special apparel.  It's just how you get around if you are young and/or Dutch.

Did you know there are places where it is ILLEGAL to ride a bike without a helmet?  Whoever passed that law is a huge douchebag.  I would tell them that to their FACE except I never usually talk to the people that make the laws.

You can still ride a skateboard and jump down concrete steps on it without a helmet.  Don't try to ride a bike without one, though.  a car might hit you and you will need that extra head cushioning if that happens.

Next laws that will be passed:

- Special goggles to protect eyes when playing video games and watching TV

- Helmets in the car

- No running or horseplay ever (not just in the pool area)

I have seen fully grown adult people wearing the bicycle helmets.  That's just like, "Duuuuude..."

I mean it's one thing if you are in good shape and have the bicycle shorts and elbow pads and the whole ensemble going, all looking like you have serious intentions to do some hella-fast bicycling.  But I have seen plain-clothed adults with the helmets on and they look like such retards.  Just PAY THE FINE if you have to.  Don't go out in public like that.  The kid in E.T. did not need a special helmet to ride his bicycle.  Why do you?

I spit on bicycle helmets.  (Figuratively.)

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