Thursday, March 20, 2014

Loud receptionists and more

Besides on Facebook, people really like privacy.  and almost everywhere you go your privacy is RESPECTED.  But once in awhile, no.

Many places that you go to will have a lobby or some other waiting area or line where people can potentially overhear things.  I don't feel that I have anything to hide, I just don't like when people "overhear" things.  It seems unfair, like they got to read one page of my memoirs for free without paying for the e-book.

It doesn't have to be anything compromising or embarrassing.  Just normal everyday stuff like renting a car.  You get your turn at the counter and politely say...

"I'd like to rent a car, please."

and then, at least on this occasion, are subjected to...

"What, WHY?  Are you a CELEBRITY or did something really bad happen to you?"

"Well, um, it's unfortunately a little of both, ma'am."

"Oh yeah SEE I could TELL you were not on vacation because you are not wearing a hat."

I also have this paranoia at the grocery store where I do not like it when the cashier can guess what I'm making for dinner.

"Wait a minute here...taco seasoning...ground beef...tortilla shells...CHEESE!?!  You're making TACOS, AREN'T you?"

I try as hard as I can to mix in some off-the-wall fake ingredients that don't go with tacos, like bananas and steak sauce and Flintstone Vitamins, but the talkative cashier always manages to crack the code.

"I KNOW what you are gonna EAT tonight.  So THERE.  Also give me your driver's license so I can yell out your birthdate."

The best place for a loud and talkative sales associate would be wherever people buy guns.  Gun buyers/owners are always super proud to be doing so, unless they are up to something.  So when somebody asks for a gun a lady should yell out, "Hey everyone, here's the NEWEST member of our gun-owning family!"  If they shield their face and run, don't sell it to them.  If they smile and wave, okay.

How come loud receptionists are always female?  Stereotypical ethnic men seem like they would be good at that, too.

Like at the doctor.

"Thank you, sir.  Now we-a almost all a-ready for your embarrassing appointment.  But  first please-a have a seat next to that old man that has-a the peeing the pants problem.  Nope!  Oops-a-a-daisy not him, that man just-a has a weird ear pain.  He's-a not so good to talk to, his hearing is bad.  Sit by the pee pants man instead.  Good stories."

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