Sunday, March 16, 2014

Vladimir Putin's Big Adventure

The similarities are startling.  I mean look at these guys.

If you've somehow never seen the Pee-Wee Herman movie, it's about Pee-Wee trying to get his bike back.  Substitute Crimea for the bike, and there ya go.

The story begins with Putin waking up from a dream, a dream of PEACE, and subsequently turning on some Russian opera music and jumping up and down on his bed.  Then he kills Mr. Potato Head with a toy Russian missile.  Then he wraps Scotch tape all over his face in the bathroom mirror.  (If you haven't seen it you understandably have no idea what I'm talking about.)

Then he momentarily wants to kill everybody in sight before calming down and recognizing that life is worth living, anyway.  It's something like that, I might be getting my movies confused here.

How does it all end, though?  Imagine Putin getting hauled into United Nations court to receive a formal yelling-at and then he jumps up on the judge's bench and does the big shoe dance.  WORLD PEACE all of a sudden.  From THAT.

I can't wait.

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