Monday, April 21, 2014

How come there are Easter "costumes?"

I'm not real MAD about it or anything but over the weekend I saw people dressed up as shepherds and lambs and bunnies and Jesus and fish.

Why do you ever have to put an outfit on that isn't regular clothes?  I can understand human beings, especially the female kind, trying real hard to decide what to wear outside the home.  But how come girls are always looking backwards over their shoulders in the mirror all like "does my butt look look too big or too SMALL in this outfit?"  You can't win, man.  ("lady")

Do people that dress up as shepherds look in mirror and wonder if they look too fat?  No. There's no fat shepherds.  They would get accused of eating all the animals.  Even if it was not true that would be so difficult to prove.  The fat shepherd could just blame wolves.  Wolves always do bad stuff anyway.

How do shepherds "groom?"  That's a weird skill for them to be expected to appreciate.  They watch the sheep for days and days, and then just say "IT'S TIME" and chop the wool off all at once.  Then the sheep says "BAA!" in a complaining fashion and goes on living, like when a little kid is FORCED to get a haircut because they don't know better, yet.

They just don't know.

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