Monday, April 7, 2014

Myspace Top 8!

Most people, if they are not Amish or otherwise kidding themselves, have a Facebook page by now.  But before Facebook, there was a temporary thing called Myspace.  If you never had a Myspace account and do not understand what it was, it was this primitive version of Facebook where you would still get tons of Farmville invites, but they were just from people that were horny and retarded and also you did not know them.  At the TIME, somewhat understandably, everybody thought it was great. 

Then Facebook took over by DEMANDING to be taken seriously, and Myspace quickly went down the tubes.


The main controversy in Myspace times was this thing called the "Top 8."  You were supposed to exactly select your 8 favorite people in life.  As hard as it might be to believe, there were many schoolyard scraps and ended marriages over this.

Girl: What is that BITCH doing in your TOP 8?!?!

Guy: I don't know, she's just a nice person.  Look I put Weird Al in my Top 8 too.

Girl: Fuck you AND Weird Al.  We're done.

Refusing to give in, Myspace still technically exists.  Who works there?  Are they HIRING?  Imagine what a job interview with the Myspace guy would be like.

First obvious question:

"So are you on Facebook?  Yes?  Okay, you're hired."

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