Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Year in Review

Wow, what a bad year.  Not for me personally of course but people have been complaining more than EVER.

"No more guns!"

"Weather is getting too different!"

"Let's fire the Pope!"


Everybody calm down.  It's New Year's Eve.  Please have a cocktail and enjoy my annual Year in Review.

The biggest news of the year was that the Mars Rover landed.  He is checking out the planet in case the citizens of Earth need to relocate someday.  Looks pretty good to me.

The other big story was the Wendy's spokesperson controversy.  The popular hamburger chain had been struggling for YEARS to replace its founder, the late great overweight Dave Thomas, as the "face" of the company.  So in 2012 they tried two different ideas.  The first was the REAL LIFE Wendy:

...thaaat did not go too well.  So they quickly upgraded to a FAKE real life "Wendy."

Sales of square meat are now through the roof.  But I have to wonder how the fat real Wendy is feeling.  Is she bitter?  Plotting revenge?  What action will be taken in 2013?  Someone should reach out to her.  Looking at you, Burger King.  Wouldn't she be perfect for your Superbowl ad?  All taking a bite of a square hamburger and spitting it out?  Then she says "SQUARE ain't FAIR but BROILED is ROYAL."  (TM Captain Dan)

Advertising is not hard, you just need to get people to cooperate.

Anyhoo, in celebrity news, Barack Obama was elected to a second term as President.

This news was not major, since nobody really ran against him.  His ACTUAL top rival is the FISCAL CLIFF.

The fiscal cliff became a looming threat throughout 2012.  It seems the economy is doomed because nobody can agree how to fix it.  Obama thinks rich people should just pay more.  That "Plan B" guy thinks that poor people should just learn to get by with less.  Bill Clinton thinks fat chicks are hot.

WHO IS CORRECT?  Time will tell, as usual.

So that about sums up life in the year 2012.  We ate nutrition bars and complained about Instagram.  We watched something called "2 Broke Girls."

We fished.

I look forward to seeing all of you in 2013 including Mayan people.  (OOPS, you were wrong AGAIN!)

I'll be in the car.

Click HERE.

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