Sunday, June 9, 2013

Yard Sale Announcement!

A-HA!  The announcement is that we will NEVER have one, nor (yes NOR) will we ever.

Big Q: Why do people have yard sales?

Nobody knows.  There is almost never anything good to buy.  If you have a chair or lawnmower or some kind of combination of that somebody MIGHT want to buy it.  In those cases, there is at least some kind of NEGOTIATION.

But instead it's like "Used headband, 50 cents."  Don't buy that!  Nobody NEEDS such a thing. 

and then, there is always this person appointed to prevent theft.  Usually a little girl sitting in a CHAIR that is expected to prevent you from shoplifting a Huey Lewis cassette tape.

What happens at the end of a yard sale?  Do you take the unsold stuff right back into the house, or maybe move it like exactly TWO FEET right to the curb so that SOMEBODY will take it away?

and then there's this other thing where a person wants to sell a car or boat so he puts a cardboard sign on it that says "4 SALE."  It's a car or boat or tractor that usually costs THOUSANDS of dollars.  HEY man (it's always a man) maybe pay like ten bucks for a decent sign?

Never have a yard sale, is my point.  Either give stuff to charity or burn it.  Almost nobody likes crap.

Click HERE.

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