Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Hip Hip Hippopotamus Blog

The hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal on Earth, including sharks.  (Sharks can't get at you as easily.)

It is the third-largest land mammal behind the elephant and the rhinoceros.  That's what I heard at least, although to me a hippo and a rhinoceros seem to be basically the same size.


Hippos stick together in herds, but rarely interact.  Nobody knows why, including Dr. Phil and Jack Hanna.  It only takes a female hippo eight months to have a baby, so they have human-type women beat.  At least in THAT way.

Even though the hippo is dangerous, you never really hear too much about hippo attacks.  a good idea for a horror film, in MY opinion, would be a new take on Alfred Hitchcock's (did he get made fun of in school for being named that?) famous horror flick "The Birds," except with hippos.  Hungry HUNGRY hippos, just mauling and eating everybody.  Especially Jeremy Piven.

Sometimes the term "hippo" will get used as an insult towards fat people.  Like "GET OUT OF THE POOL, YOU HIPPO!" or "I'M SUING YOU FOR DIVORCE, YOU HIPPO!"  But since the hippo is also the most dangerous animal, I wonder if it's also ever a compliment.  Like how extra-tough or tenacious athletes get called lions and tigers sometimes.  "GO GET 'EM, TIGER!" and so on.

a basketball player has a great game and the coach  is like "You were a god damn HIPPO out there!  You KILLED 'em!"

Who is the Hungry Hungry Hippos world champion?  Do they do that?  Like with rock-paper-scissors and the Grammys?  It should be tradition to swallow a marble if you win.  Or at least a white gumball, since that's safer, but you don't get to chew.

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