Sunday, May 4, 2014

Encyclopedia Brown 2015 version

I say 2015 instead of 2014 because I estimate it will take me about a year to finish the script.  All this Ukraine shit has got me a little bit preoccupied.  I should probably find a way to help fix that first.

Y'all remember Encyclopedia Brown, right?  He is this little kid that solves small mysteries around the neighborhood.  He runs a small-time detective agency out of his garage, 25 cents per day plus expenses.  They are very charming stories that children like.  So much like Batman and Star Wars and other things kids used to enjoy, I say it is time to exploit and ruin him.  Therefore I have some new ideas.

People love murder.  Somebody gets killed in almost every movie and television series, including Love Boat.

So the new version of Encyclopedia Brown will be more like "Law and Order" where you see a dead body under a SHEET right at the beginning and then Encyclopedia Brown gets 25 cents to figure out what happened.  (The actual police officers give him the quarter.)

His sidekick Sally will be in the movie to help him, but will be older and unrealistically attractive like that girl from X-Files.  Oh, there might also be science fiction involved in Encyclopedia Brown 2015 since people love that, too.  I haven't really decided yet.  (It's not WRITTEN.)

If you like my ideas for a new Encyclopedia Brown franchise, please mail me a quarter to help get things moving.

This is Encyclopedia Brown:

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