Saturday, May 24, 2014

Burger King will no longer let you "Have It Your Way"

It's no secret that Burger King has been downspiraling out of control.  They keep doing all sorts of wacky crap ever since they fell behind Wendy's in popularity.

Their latest social crime is that they are officially changing their "Have It Your Way" slogan, after FORTY YEARS, to "Be Your Way."  Not a good idea, it just sounds like they are mad and bitter.  Like when someone is being a stubborn asshole in life and the other person says something like "Fine, be that way" and storms off all angry.  That ain't good customer service!

"I would like extra ketchup, please."

"Whatever.  Be YOUR way."  and then they put the extra ketchup on all rude and hostile.

So as per usual, Burger King, it's up to me to tell you how to fix things.  If you want to get back in the game, you gotta go the "New Coke" route.  See the secret to business is that when people like something, you take it away for AWHILE, and then give it back to them so that they'll be all overjoyed and delighted.  Then sales go through the roof.  (Other examples: Twinkies and Star Wars.)

Therefore what you need to do to get your Whopper business booming again is to completely ban "Have It Your Way" type custom orders TEMPORARILY.

"Hold the pickles."


Everyone will be angry at Burger King.  But again, just for AWHILE.  Wait it out.  Then at some strategic point, like during the Superbowl or the Kentucky Derby, you launch an ad with a big-time public apology.  Here, I'll even write it for you.

"Dear honored guests.  Okay, you talked, we listened.  Therefore effective IMMEDIATELY, we are reinstating the "Have It Your Way" policy.  You can have whatever you want.  If you want lettuce on your rodeo cheeseburger for some reason, fine.  We will DO it.  If you would like to have your french fries served to you IN the milkshake, fine.  We will do that too.  If you want us to put the food in a previously-used Happy Meal carton to fool your kids, we'll do it.  ANYTHING.  Just please come back."

Marketing is not that hard.

Oh also since McDonalds doesn't use a clown as a spokesperson anymore, maybe you could steal that idea.


Or else the ghost of Dave Thomas.

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