Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Eggplant is like steak for vegetarians.  They love it!  I guess because it is the "meatiest" vegetable.

What goes on at vegetarian "Bar-B-Ques?"

"Hey you better flip that eggplant.  I like it MEDIUM-rare."

In fact there should be a version of Outback Steakhouse that's FOR vegetarians.

Server: G'day mate, would you like to start with a Bloomin Celery Butt?

Guest: No thanks, but we're ready to order.

Server: Okay mate, have you been here before?  We serve up our eggplant wood-grilled and extra spicy!

Guest: Yeah, we come here all the time, we know.

Server: Well wackamackadoo. (That's Australian language.)  What'll it be then, mates?  The 6 ounce eggplanter, 8 ounce, 14 ounce, or 29 ounce eggplant bongaroo?  If you finish THAT one you get your name on the wall and a free t-shirt!

Do meat-eaters ever eat eggplant WITH meat, or is that not allowed?  Like some eggplant pasta dish with chunks of hot dogs mixed in.


Assuming not, there is this thing that meat enthusiasts like to do lately where they eat a "turducken," which is a chicken stuffed inside a duck inside a turkey.  There should be a veggie version of that TOO, like the eggplant is stuffed with a hard-boiled egg wrapped in seaweed.

An upside-down eggplant looks kind of funny, especially if you draw a face on it, like I did.

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