Monday, May 19, 2014

Yoga pants

If you are a woman living in this century, and have ever attempted to wear jeans, everybody in the world has seen your butt.  That's just fact.  You ALL know what I mean.  Sooner or later you have to sit or crouch, and there's your butt.  RIGHT there.  Must be embarrassing.

So now there's suddenly this "yoga pants" phenomenon.  Girls love them, even the ones that don't actually DO yoga.  Gee, wonder why?  They obviously got fed up with people being afforded free glimpses (yes, GLIMPSES) at their butt cracks, and RESPONDED.

When it used to happen to men, it was called "plumber's crack."  What is it called now?  Most women don't "plumb."

Some ideas:



Any good?  Probably too wordy.

Hey ladies, want a solution?  Just keep a sticker or piece of tape with angry eyes drawn on it at the tip of your butt crack at all times.  Might not feel too comfortable but lets face it, you never do anyway.

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