Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just make cigarettes illegal already

What is up with this idiotic situation? "You can still smoke cigarettes, BUT, they now cost one-hundred dollars per pack AND you have to look at a picture of a dying old lady before you can smoke them. You can still smoke them if you want to, though."


There are new, graphic warning labels on every pack of cigarettes now. If something is SO bad for you that you need to be confronted with diseased lungs and awful teeth and defective babies as a WARNING NOT TO USE IT then HEY, MAYBE TAKE IT OFF THE MARKET ENTIRELY?

What would be the downside? a man in a suit that makes a million dollars working for Big Tobacco would be upset. So that's a reason to keep it legal. Everyone feels sorry for THAT guy.

Also we are setting a TREND here. What is coming next? "You can still buy a Pepsi, but now the can has to have the word DIABETES on it and it must be twice as large as the word PEPSI." "McDonalds can still operate, but all cashiers must say "SHAME ON YOU" to each customer upon ordering."

I would like to see a billboard of the Marlboro Man in which he is dead. and the camel, bring him back but with bad stuff happening to him. "Joe Camel now has bad intestinal cancer. Girls don't think that is too cool. He no longer gets laid."

What more can be done to make cigarettes unappealing? Maybe you should HAVE to buy them FROM a dying lung cancer patient. Or engineer them so that when you light one, it screams. Or when you smoke it halfway down, it explodes like a firecracker in your mouth. "You can still puff, but don't try to smoke a whole one! That's bad for you, and this way you'll have a REMINDER of that."

Sounds ridiculous but this is SO RIDICULOUS ALREADY. Dying people on the PACKAGING. That is the LAW now. "Here is what will happen to your babies and feet if you buy this. You can still buy it though!"

In ten years we are all gonna be like "Can you believe smoking was legal?" Well not ALL of us cause some people are gonna be dead. Sucks if that's the case for you but HEY maybe DON'T DO THINGS that are likely to kill you.

If you would like to see the new anti-smoking warning labels that are on tobacco products you can try going to a gas station or else Wal-Mart.

1 comment:

  1. If you are trying to quit smoking, you know there are many tools out there to help you kick the habit. Tools like hypnosis, patches, prescription pills, just to name a few, are available to help break the cycle of dependence. One of the options out there that many of you have probably never heard of, is an electronic cigarette.
    Quit Smoking
