Thursday, June 30, 2011

Holiday Weekend Blog

SO when it's a holiday weekend people tend to blow off work and not want to show COMMITMENT to the TASK.

I ain't like that though, so here is some more writing:

The Rubik's Cube was POPULAR. Only certain people could solve the Rubik's Cube, and none of them prospered from it. There was no Atari version of the Rubik's Cube. How come?

Some birds guard eggs. Others fly all over and have the nerve to act surprised when someone has messed with the eggs. What would YOU do?

When you are mowing the lawn and run over something you were not supposed to run over, you automatically yell "FUCK!" Invent a lawnmower that yells that with you in unison when it detects an impropriety. Imagine yelling "FUCK!" in unison with your lawnmower. It would only cost like one extra microchip these days.

Can any profession go on strike? Even if unofficially? I want to see a locksmith strike. "Stay in there!"

Lion tamer strike. "This lion will do whatever he wants until my demands are met. Right now he is sleeping and wanting to be away from all of you."

People used to laugh a LOT watching Candid Camera. They are pretty much all dead now.

You aren't supposed to kick sand at the beach. Where CAN you kick it? Making an all-sand field goal should be a thing.

Who at the dentist is MOST excited about the new magazines? (By default.)

Who among us is so rich that he eats one Pop-Tart and throws the other one away?

Who is WORKING at the place where they print fortune cookie fortunes? 100 million more "a friend's kind gesture may mask an evil deed." What are the jobs like there? Fortune cookie message printer and fortune cookie message printer supervisor. The latter makes the schedule.

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