Saturday, July 9, 2011

Why doesn't Aquaman get a movie?

Ever since the big Batman Boom, superhero movies have been all the rage. Any superhero can be in a movie now. Even Iron Man. Lower tier guys like Green Lantern and Captain America are getting time on the big screen as well.

But where is Aquaman?

That guy was pretty significant. He was right in the fold with Batman and Wonder Woman and even Superman himself. But HE doesn't get a movie? What gives?

I think maybe it's because Aquaman doesn't operate under the "secret identity" system. He's always just Aquaman. Superman, by day, is mild-mannered Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent. Batman is billionaire Bruce Wayne. But Aquaman doesn't need a day job. He lives under water so nobody ever sees him around.

I am going to write a script that changes that. Aquaman, in day-to-day life, will be charismatic real estate agent Kent Cassidy. He will sell beachfront properties to upper class families. and obviously, if there's bad guys or alien sharks in the water, the value of those properties will go down. So he will have to take care of BUSINESS down there, won't he? The story writes itself!

Also, I feel audiences will have an easy time relating to Aquaman because he doesn't have a lot of powers. He's just sort of an everyday Joe that happens to be able to breathe under water and talk to fish. He can SWIM really well, but so can a lot of people. I don't think he can swim at the same rate that Superman can run or fly. He doesn't have super strength, per se, but he is pretty strong by regular dude standards. I have seen him move heavy rocks and giant-sized seashells before.

Superman cannot breathe under water, I'm PRETTY sure. So that's Aquaman's one defense if he and Superman ever have a big argument. He can get away from him.

Oh and Aquaman rides around on a giant sea horse, if you didn't know that. There will be a CGI one in the movie. His name is Horace. and there will be a lady in the movie too, of course. She will be in a bikini a lot, since most of the movie takes place at the beach. I think at some point he will have to kiss her under water to keep her alive or something. The sea horse won't be around for that part.

So that's my Aquaman movie idea. Any Hollywood movie executives reading this can e-mail me, but only if you're serious.

This is Aquaman looking for his keys:

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