Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fun at the beach!

Dang but find me one person that doesn't love the beach. Maybe those weird people that are allergic to the sun, but otherwise no. Here is a blog that will make you want to go to the beach RIGHT NOW! Don't forget a towel!

There are RULES at the beach, but I never see them being enforced. Lifeguards are always looking/yelling, but I never see a guy in handcuffs because of "horseplay." Nobody getting arrested for throwing sand. Look around at the beach. No cops. The lifeguard doesn't even seem to have one of those walkie talkies that are used to call for "backup." So I'm not TELLING you to make trouble, but the fact of the matter is that when you're at the beach you can pretty much do whatever you want.

Everyone behaves at the beach, though. No crime. I guess because it's so open and sunny, it's like the opposite of a dark alley where a person is waiting to stab you for your drugs. Everybody leaves their towels and blankets and money and shoes lying right on the beach while they go in the water, and nobody takes it. and again, don't believe that it's because of that lifeguard. a tall chair does not combat crime. and look at him, he's not even watching you. He's texting.

Sand castles seem like they should have really taken off in modern times. Everyone has a phone to take pictures with. Yet I never see a really great freshly-built sand castle on anybody's Facebook. How come? Always just pictures of stupid little wiener kids, or else sunsets. Why not a picture of a sand castle, and then you photoshop yourself so that it looks like you are LIVING in it? Having a BBQ on the castle patio with neighbors. Then photoshop the lifeguard so that he's way off to the side, not socializing with anybody. Just texting.

More awesome stuff at the beach:

- Volleyball


- Bikinis

- Dogs running around with frisbees in their mouths

- Kayaks

- Potato chips

- Dolphins leaping out of the water (*rare)

- Skipping stones

- Little plastic pails and shovels

- Hawaii

Of course the most popular thing at the beach is the swimming, but most people really don't actually "swim." They just kind of linger around in the water. You can't really do "laps" at the beach, you never know when to turn around. I guess if you went too far in one direction the lifeguard would YELL at you to turn around, but you know how I feel about that guy and his lack of authority. I mean what if you just kept going? Would he CHASE you? If he left his post for even a minute everybody would knock his chair over and start kicking sand. Mayhem.

Another thing from the history of the beach was Baywatch.

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