Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bee stings


Ever been stung by a bee?  Not me, sucka.  When a bee comes around I act all bad and unafraid, raise my fists at it as if I'm ready to "go," and eventually the bee pussies out and flies away.  He can go pick on someone his own size.

Why ARE people afraid of bees?  It's not like a snake or a pelican, a bee is less than one-inch-long.  and yes, they can sting you, but SO WHAT?  It's never happened to me, but how painful could a bee sting possibly be?  I imagine it's like when they stick the needle in for giving blood or doing steroids or whatever.  Just a little pinch.  a bee sting is like getting 0.0001% of a tattoo.

I mean I know that there are certain people who are ALLERGIC to bee stings.  There is exactly one issued to every elementary school class.  The teacher goes over the instructions at the beginning of the school year.

"Now class, if a bee happens to fly into the classroom, please remain calm.  We all must focus on getting Herbert to safety."

Herbert sits at his desk, pudgy with thick-rimmed glasses, eating paste.

"I'm allergic."

It is all he is, and all he'll ever know.

Some children, possibly Herbert later in life, disappoint their parents after finishing college.  "Mom, Dad, I want to be a magician."  "I think I could really MAKE it as a dancer."  "Why get a DAY job when Dairy Queen lets me start in the afternoon?  You don't make any sense."

What kid, though, ever says to his parents...

"I'm thinking of going into beekeeping."

Yet some people choose that.  HOW?  WHY?

I am working on a movie script in which a gritty, wise-cracking, Bruce Willis type character gets roped into the world of beekeeping.  I'm not exactly sure how yet but the mob will be involved.  and an estranged daughter who has come back into his life.  Her safety is in jeopardy.

***SPOILER***  It ends with all the bees swarming on the mob and stinging them to DEATH.  That's the only part I wrote so far.  I like to come up with the ending first and then work backwards.

Finally, here are the winners of our dress-up-like-a-bee photo contest.  Thanks to all who entered!

Click HERE.

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