Friday, July 27, 2012

This Chick-Fil-A thing

Okay admittedly I neither own nor run a successful chicken sandwich franchise so I don't know all the ins and outs of the business but it DOES NOT SEEM like what that guy did was a very good idea!

I am of course referring to the President and Chief Operating Officer of Chick-Fil-A's recent remarks condemning same-sex marriage.  Why did he choose to blurt out such a controversial opinion?  Did someone ASK him?  If so that is pretty tremendous journalism!  Imagine being an ambitious, aspiring young reporter and you go up to the president of Subway Restaurants and ask "Excuse me sir, but do you have an opinion on Jews?" and he just shrugs and says "Don't care for 'em."  What a STORY that would be!  and you hardly had to do anything to get an important man to say something so stupid.

I don't believe he was asked, though.  I think he made a DECISION to announce how he and the company officially felt.  Most fast food chains would never make such a mistake.  If Burger King holds a press conference, it is usually to announce new, crispier fries (they are always doing that).  If McDonalds holds a press conference it is usually to explain what kid choked on what thing or to apologize for what was found in someone's burger.  I do not think the C.E.O. of Burger King will ever be quoted as saying "Just so everyone knows, we at Burger King do not think people should be getting abortions.  In ANY trimester."

Needless to say, everyone is now angry.  Including the Muppets.

You know you've really stepped in it when Kermit the Frog is mad at you.  If you haven't heard this part of the story, the Jim Henson Company was OUTRAGED by what the Chick-Fil-A guy did and said and will no longer allow Muppet toys to be distributed to children at Chick-Fil-A restaurants.  Once the relationship was severed, Chick-Fil-A was put in the delicate position of having to explain why.  Damage control, in other words.  When something has gone terribly wrong, most big companies will pay top dollar to have a public relations specialist craft a carefully-worded press release.

If you're Chick-Fil-A, however, you once again prove yourselves to be the judgment kings of the corporate world by making up a huge lie.

It did not work.

(WTF is he wearing?)

So NOW what will happen?  Will someone be forced to STEP DOWN?  Public figures stepping down in disgrace is like the best thing that's ever on TV.

...ooooookay, maybe not the BEST thing.  But still pretty good!

Click HERE.

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