Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why does Calvin always pee on stuff: a 5-year FLASHBACK blog!

(Originally posted August 2, 2007)

I always see signs and mudflaps and crappy homemade t-shirts where he is peeing on things.  When did he become known for that?  I can't imagine it was the original artist that started it.  I don't remember Calvin ever peeing on stuff in the comic strips.  So how did that come to be the thing that he is best known for?  CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN?

I can't draw too well but I have been practicing because I want to draw custom strips where bad things happen to the comic characters that I hate.  (Cathy getting hit by a car, Hagar the Horrible buried alive, etc.)

Is anyone in the world a bigger asshole than Garfield?  and why does he hate Mondays so much?  He is unemployed.  You just know that some idiot person that likes Garfield a lot has tried to get their cat to eat lasagna.  Secretly, when no one else was around.  I bet they were very disappointed to have to throw the whole pan away after the cat just licked it a bunch of times.

What was Dagwood like at the dinner table?  Did he eat quantities of everything in proportion to his sandwiches?  Like a whole bucket of mashed potatoes?  Dagwood could never order a sandwich in a restaurant, they wouldn't make it right.  "Waitress, this sandwich is not three feet tall like I asked for.  Also I said to put the peanut butter on TOP of the salami!  I can't eat this the way it is."

The guy that draws Family Circus is probably gonna die soon.  But DON'T PANIC!  He is forcing his son to keep the strip going after his death.  So I basically figure that means the son is in charge of killing his father off in the comic strip.  Man, talk about pressure.  I don't know how he's gonna do it, but I hope it's one of those single-panel strips where the protagonist wanders around with a dotted line tracking him.  Except at some point in the middle a cement truck would fall on him or something and there'd be a big skull and crossbones signifying that he has been officially killed.

Also that kid will have the added pressure of drawing his mom and deciding how big or small to make her boobs and butt.  That's gotta be a thing that's impossible to ever get exactly right.

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