Friday, August 10, 2012


Everyone is fascinated with the giraffe.  I guess it's mainly the tallness.  Imagine if your neighbor had one and it kept peeking over the fence.  Not sure if I would like that or not.  a chewing giraffe staring at you all the time, all like "Mowing the lawn, eh?"

That is of course ridiculous, because unless you are super-rich and responsible like LeBron James and Lorne Michaels, you would never be able to afford a pet giraffe.  Too bad, since they're so peaceful and quiet.  They would not bark at neighbors like a dog does.  and man, wouldn't THAT be annoying?  Giraffe barking over the fence, "HEY!  HEY I SEE YOU!  COME OVER HERE!  HEY!"

Therefore there are only two places you can usually see a giraffe: Africa and the zoo.  Most people choose the zoo.  It is closer, less expensive, and ice cream cones are more readily available.  If you DO decide to go to Africa to see giraffes, make sure you go to the right part!  Don't carry your bags off the plane in Libya all excited wearing a camera around your neck, an Animal Planet t-shirt, and an "I LOVE GIRAFFES" baseball cap.

Even though they are peaceful animals, male giraffes DO use their necks as weapons, but only when in combat with other giraffes.  They never run up and knock over a stork with their necks just to be jerks.  Giraffes are not bullies.  But they battle each other to establish dominance, and only the dominant males get to mate.

and after the birth, the male giraffe abandons the female, leaving her to raise the kid on her own.  So the whole thing is a lot like high school.

Probably the most famous giraffe of all time is Geoffrey, the Toys R Us mascot.  They keep changing him, though!  Which one was YOUR favorite?

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