Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hurricanes: a 5-year FLASHBACK blog!

(Originally posted September 12, 2008)

There are two certainties in life: Hurricanes and taxes.

Everybody these days is being killed or frightened by hurricanes.  Most of the victims are the poor working class.  Rich people are usually able to escape hurricanes using their expensive CORPORATE JETS.  It is unfair, but so are hurricanes.

Hurricanes are very dangerous.  Wind gusts often exceed 50 miles per hour.  Here are some ways you can die in a hurricane:

- Drowning

- Blown off a roof

- Hit in the head with flying debris

- Electrocution

- Heart attacks

- Trampling

- Bitten by spooked rattlesnake

- Murder

Q: How do they decide what to name a hurricane?

A: They ask the President, but he always picks a name that starts with "A" and then the next one is "B" and so on.  He starts over at the beginning of the year.

Why don't earthquakes get names too?  Not as cute I guess.

Okay so that's basically all you need to know about hurricanes.  One is supposed to happen this weekend so everybody get ready.  If you have any last-minute questions you can e-mail me.

Click HERE.

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