Monday, September 30, 2013


Skywriting was the original Twitter.  It just was way harder to do and the messages were even shorter, usually.

Being a skywriter would be neat, but how exactly do you get that job?  Airlines are pretty STRICT.  Not anybody can just start doing it.  What is the interview process like?

Employer: We need a skywriter that is going to be very serious.

Applicant: I'm your man.

Employer: Also, you can never be TARDY.  Skywriting has to be done at very exact times.  Do you have reliable transportation to and from work?  The plane doesn't count.

(Do people these days still know what "tardy" means?  It kind of sounds like offensive slang, but it isn't.)

So then from there is there some sort of audition?  How do you PRACTICE skywriting?  Everybody sees.

Imagine they instruct you to go up and practice by skywriting the alphabet, and it starts out okay but then you mess up the corners of the "D" and it turns out like a real crappy "O."  If that happens, you're finished.  Don't even think about flying back to try to "cross it out."  The audition is over.  Just land.

and then even if you GET the job, how do they account for people that tend to flip out at work?  Regular airline pilots have a co-pilot that is prepared to take over in the event of an emergency.  Does a skywriter have someone sitting next to him with a syringe and a dictionary?

"I'm here just in case you screw up."

Sometimes there are sky-written marriage proposals.  Not smart.  #1 you didn't write it, idiot.  Another guy did.  Plus HE can fly a plane.  You can't.  Who do you think she is gonna pick to marry?

a sky-written resume or suicide note would be a better IDEA, but there would still be problems.  Too many letters blurring at different rates.

Click HERE.

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