Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daylight Savings Time is idiotic

It doesn't save any daylight, you get the same amount of daylight at different times. Go into work early if you're so worried about when the sun comes up! The rest of us want all clocks to be the same.

You know where they don't have Daylight Savings Time? CHINA. No wonder they're so good at math and the Olympics. U.S. athletes are in training now and they are all one hour sleepier today. That could make a DIFFERENCE. Sometimes in the Olympics people win by only like one point.

and you know who are jerks? The people that actually REMEMBER the clock thing ahead of time and go around telling everybody. "Don't forget to set your clock ahead an hour tonight!" Then you go "Aww, that's TONIGHT? I had plans for that hour!" Going home all mad about having to read clock instructions, clock in the car doesn't get fixed for like five whole months...

They should at least find a way to make DST fun, like how so many holidays have funny traditions. Everybody gets to go to church in their pajamas. Or a rule where if you catch someone yawning you get to elbow them real hard in the ribs. Something like that.

Anyway enough people are mad about Daylight Savings Time that we should at least have a vote. Obama never even brings it up. Why is he DUCKING the ISSUES? Imagine the campaign ads. Some guy on a poorly-lit golf course saying "I like to golf early in the summer, don't you? But look at how dark it is!" Then in response some girls in bikinis say "Who wants to GOLF when you can have longer summer nights at the BEACH!" Then later the golf guy is back saying "You dumb bitches I've been to beach parties at night, you just light a bonfire."

From then on it gets nastier and nastier and then we vote, maybe not the same year that we vote on a President though cause there could be conflicts of interest.

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