Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kids are afraid of stupid things

Most people are afraid of something. With adult people it's usually something reasonable and understandable. Fear of flying. Public speaking. Heights.

Children have some fairly rational fears as well. Afraid of dogs, maybe. Afraid of the dark. But then they always tack weird shit on. "In addition to those things, I am also afraid of going to the barber, Willy Wonka, and clowns."

It's always so random with little kids. "Do NOT show me a picture of Abraham Lincoln. I am AFRAID OF HIM!" Imagine that, a kid running away from a penny. I've seen it happen.

and then there is this other thing where even if a child LIKES something a LOT they freak out when they get too big a dose of it. Santa Claus, the classic example. So excited about Santa but then when they see him in person they start crying. Or like when Barney the Dinosaur shows up at a birthday party there is always at least one kid screaming his head off.

Are there support groups for childhood fears? Kids sure get babied and doted on a lot these days. "Everybody sit in a circle and talk about why Big Bird is so frightening to you." "I'M AFRAID HE'S GONNA TRY TO *GET* ME!" "I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW HE GOES TO THE BATHROOM!"

and yet take a kid on a plane, or ask them to speak in front of a large group, and they're fine. What gives? Something flips in the human brain at a certain age I guess. Kids don't even fear death! They eat a lot of fried foods and run around in front of cars. But then you take them to see the Sonny and Cher impersonators that are singing at the mall and suddenly they are terrified.

Stupid kids.

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