Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Elephant Blog

Elephants are definitely a main animal. People love everything about them, especially how big they are and also the trunk. They are also fun to ride, if your local zoo or church carnival offers such a service. Want to know more about elephants? You've come to the right place!

Here is everything about them.

Elephants are mammals, and also the biggest animals that live on land. Whales cannot go on land. No legs. Lady elephants stay pregnant for 22 months. So consider THAT, pregnant ladies, and stop bitching.

There are African elephants and Indian elephants. a lot of Indian people worship the elephant, whereas African people just know to keep their distance. Elephants are pretty tough, the other animals know not to mess with them. Not even the lion. They are also SMART. They have a good memory and are smart enough to be taught tricks. I think that there should be a special zoo for smart animals only. Elephants and dolphins and chimps. All in the pool together.

Elephants are sometimes POACHED for their ivory tusks. It is wrong. So remember to RECYCLE all your used up billiard balls and piano keys. Go to one of those hippie places for more information.

How much beer could an elephant drink? Well, for every beer the average human drinker consumes, an elephant could handle about 112. So a "six-pack" to an elephant would be 672 beers! and they could still probably DRIVE after that many. Would be one of those borderline decisions. So good thing they can't drive! a buzzed elephant behind the wheel sounds so dangerous.

It also helps that no one would ever spend money on 672 beers just to see a buzzed elephant.

Also if you think that elephants drink with their trunks, you are a fool. They suck the water in and then blow it into their mouths. Pretty gross. The trunk is a lot of things. It's like an arm that you breathe with. Anyway it's all part of God's plan so don't question it.

Well that's about all there is to know about elephants! If you want to know more you can watch Animal Planet, but only if you have good cable.

1 comment:

  1. I know a fact about elephants, or a law pertaining to elephants... In Florida, if you tie your elephant to a parking meter, you still have to pay the fee as you would for a car.
    That is all I know about elephants, aside from the wonderful facts you so kindly shared.
