Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Storks and dragons

Storks are a weird animal.  They seem made-up, especially because of the baby thing.

Unlike dinosaurs, dragons have been sort-of confirmed to be fake.  Why?  Just too impossible?  Dinosaurs seem fairly impossible too.  Ever seen one at a museum?  Imagine that thing walking around.  Pretty difficult to picture, same as with a dragon.

Since nobody knows exactly how dinosaurs died, I choose to believe a dragon did it.  I'm PROBABLY wrong, but since no one knows for certain, it's the most fun guess.

Dragon: Hey Brontosaurus, I'm better than you.

Brontosaurus: What?  WHY?

Dragon: Because I can breathe FIRE and you cannot.

Brontosaurus: I can do other things, though.

Dragon: Yeah like eat a dick.

Brontosaurus: Fuck you I only eat PLANTS.

Dragon: In that case...DIE!

(***and then the dragon in question would murder the brontosaurus by breathing fire all over him.)

So that is my THEORY as to how dinosaurs got wiped out, but it probably isn't true.  Same as with storks.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like creationism! "meh, you don't have the answer so my batshit idea is just as smart"
