Saturday, October 20, 2012

Doo Wop

Ever hear those old songs on the radio with people bumbling out "bomp ba bomp" and "dip dip dip" and "ram a lam a ding dong?"  Well, guess what?  They're NOT mentally ill, they're singing DOO WOP!

Doo Wop was a form of musical expression in the 40s and 50s that became popular with young people who could not afford musical instruments.  If you want to make music but don't have an instrument you have to improvise.  That's where "jug bands" came from.  But unfortunately a lot of kids were too young to purchase moonshine, so they had no jug.  and since kids are notoriously dirty the washboard and washtub were in almost constant use.  So they fell back on the one instrument they could count on, their mouths.

If you are poor but still want to form a band, just get a bunch of like-minded individuals to be willing to make ridiculous sounds with their mouths and everything will be copacetic.  (Remember THAT word?)

The most famous star of Doo Wop was Bowzer.

He was the leader of Sha-Na-Na and to this day he is one of the surviving members.  and he's still at it, out there "dip dipping" and "whomp bam booming" at huge festivals and senior citizen centers all over the world.  Another one he's good at is dragging out the word "Yeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" real long with his deep baritone voice.  Why is it always "Yeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" instead of "Nooooooooooooo?"  Like if someone was singing about his "baby" leaving him you could go "Nooooooooooooo" all deep?  I am gonna write a song like that and turn the world of Doo Wop on its ear.  One of these days.

"Bowzer," albeit with a slight variance in spelling for legal purposes, is also the name of the main bad guy in Super Mario Brothers.

Bowzer is the King of the Koopas.  I do not know why the creators of Mario Brothers decided to name him after a Doo Wop icon, but I'm sure they had their reasons.  At any rate, I think the two Bowzers should pool their resources and agree to be a tandem for conventions and stuff.  The video game guy would obviously just be a mascot in a costume.  Original Bowzer is still able to legally appear as himself as far as I know.

But anyway, the Super Mario Brothers theme song would lend itself well to Bowzer's Doo-Wopping, don't you think?

"DIP dip doop, ba bomp ba bomp boop, dip de DIP de dip dip de diddle..." and so on.

(You'd have to know the song to know what the hell I'm talking about.)

It would all be KOOPACETIC!


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