Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The wii: a 5-year FLASHBACK blog!

(Originally posted November 6, 2007)

Lately it seems everybody is doing the wii except me.  I don't have that and don't want it.  You should not stand in your living room pretending to bowl.  What if a neighbor looks in the window?

Also "wii" should not be a word.  Too many modern things are called dumb names.  Ten years ago, did you ever think you would hear someone say "I googled your wii and got a wiki link?"  We are all starting to sound like retards.

"Atari" was a good name.  It really sounded like it meant something.  (It probably did.)

Atari games were intense.  You had to do things like jump over a hole and fire a pellet at a SQUARE.  That might not sound too intense if you never played, but keep in mind there was no way to halt, save, or pause the action whatsoever.  (You couldn't get up to go to the bathroom!)  Also, most of the games did not incorporate the concept of "winning."  There was never a happy ending, you just played until you lost.  The graphics were confusing and the game plots were vague.  Typical game instructions were "shoot everything you see and don't let anyone touch you."  So it was like a combination of freeze tag and a killing spree.

Do they make wii games where you can shoot people?  I remember Nintendo had that gun you could shoot ducks with.  That was wild, I wonder what made the gun work?  My mom used to get scared when we aimed it at each other's heads.  "Stop that!  There are BEAMS coming out of there!"  TV remote, same thing.  "Watch where you point that thing, it might cause cancer."

I also remember that Nintendo used to come with a robot.  I never had the robot, was it neat?  Like, could you make it do chores?  I bet not.  Nothing is ever as cool as you think it's gonna be.  (Example: a new watch.)

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