Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cold War 2: Ukrainian Boogaloo

What the hell happened?  Just a few weeks ago everybody was getting along.  That bear in the Olympics was crying and everything.  I guess now we know why.

One problem right off the bat: the modern Russian flag.

Not too menacing.  Also guess what?  It's red, white, *and* blue.  We can't hate those colors!  and since THEIR flag is just three horizontal bars, we can't even hang it upside-down and expect anybody to notice.  So look at that, they outsmarted you again, Obama.

How come some countries get all creative when designing their flag, and others do not?  I guess it's kind of like naming a kid.  For every John, Joe, and Sally there's a "Phoebe" or "Parker."

Except with kids you can at least have another one.  Not flags though, it's one at a time only.

So who picks this...

...instead of this?

I am gonna root for Sri Lanka in the next Olympics as my #2 team behind America so that I can see their flag more.  In the meantime I might also get a Fathead of it.

Oh speaking of the Olympics, I have already begun work on a new movie script in which two Olympians work together to prevent the second Cold War from even actually happening!  The story is that a male fencing champion from the U.S.A. falls in love with a female Russian powerlifter and they combine their skills (she has power, he has finesse) to teach all nations a lesson about learning to get along.  So then the war is called off at the last minute, and the new lovers say "I LOVE YOU!" and share a celebratory war-prevention kiss as the credits start rolling and everybody cheers.

That's all I wrote so far but I think it's best to come up with an ending first and then work backwards.  It makes it easier to write in changes, like if I decide that the American athlete and the Russian athlete should just be two dudes instead.

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