Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Coke and Pepsi are the same: a 5-year FLASHBACK blog!

(Originally posted September 5, 2007)

a lot of people claim to have a preference but it's 99% the same stuff.  One just has a little more sugar in it or something.  I am getting fed up with all these hotheads I encounter that want to have a screaming argument in defense of one product or the other.  "I CAN'T DRINK PEPSI!  IT'S TOO SWEET!"  "FUCK YOU, COKE IS FOR QUEERS!"  Just shut-up and drink it and stop sounding like a retard.

That's why everyone in politics comes off as such a kook, they spend all their time yelling at each other over the 1% of things they don't have a shared belief in.  All people basically want the same things, low taxes and peaceful neighborhoods and beef that comes from safe, sane cows.  But then you get these Democrat and Republican people that fail to see eye-to-eye on little details and they go from a minor disagreement to accusing each other of wrecking the planet.  "YOUR PRESIDENT IS KILLING EVERYBODY!"  "SHUT-UP LADY OR I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE!"

and a lot of these people are supposed to be political "experts."  If they are experts, how come they completely disagree 100% of the time?  Somebody must be wrong.

You never see that happen on the movie show with Ebert and the new Siskel guy.  If a movie is good, they both know it's good.  They only quibble about little details in regards to movies that are borderline thumb-worthy.  Ebert never gets all red-faced screaming at the other guy about how Big Mama's House 2 was so awesome and he is an idiot for not understanding that.

Food critics tend to agree a lot too.  I bet there isn't one that really loves those KFC Famous Bowls.

Imagine if a basketball analyst predicted that a team would win by 300 points, and then they lost, and when they lost he just blamed it on "bad refs."  That's what goes on in politics, and I think a lot of people should start to get fired and/or arrested until it stops.  Why can't blowing things out of proportion be a crime?  Prank phone calls are.  (Screw caller ID, it ruined everything!)

Everybody be nice.

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