Monday, June 23, 2014

Seat belts

Seat belts are good.  Rapping crash test dummies have proven this, over time.

I ain't no Mr. T but what is to be gained by NOT wearing a seat belt?  Real life ain't all fun like Dukes of Hazzard.  You don't just slide through the window of a car and take off.  Even Roscoe did not wear a seat belt.  He was a COP.  Shame on him.  You too, COOTER.

Daisy Duke I can kind of understand.  It was a TV show and people wanted to see her ta-tas bouncing around while she was driving her jeep.  a seat belt would restrict that.  It's just science.

WHY do some people REFUSE to wear seat belts?  Do you just get off from that in some way?  Seat belts do not cost money.  Every car, van, truck, and limo has one.  Even bumper cars.  Just TRY not wearing a seat belt in the bumper car.  The guy will yell at you.  Trust me, I know.  (It was a LONG time ago, but that happened.)

The U.S. Government paid for this blog.  If you don't like that, suck it.

Also here is the only picture of Daisy Duke where you don't get to see her butt.

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