Sunday, June 1, 2014

Why is it disrespectful to wear hats?

You know what I mean.  Like in court or church or during the National Anthem.

a LOT of people, including baseball players, baseball ENTHUSIASTS, magicians, and cowboys enjoy wearing hats.  But there's certain times you HAVE to take them off.  Imagine a magician getting kicked out of church because he refuses to take his top hat off.

Throws his magic wand at somebody on the way out.

"I don't CARE about your church.  I gotta be me."

and then quickly realizes...

"Oh shit, that was my MAGIC wand.  I sorta need that."

But then he can't get back in!  Happens all the time.

Ties are the opposite.  Sometimes in life you are EXPECTED to wear a tie.  *(This usually only applies to men or else women that work at restaurants that are the opposite of Hooters.)


It ain't like a belt, it doesn't do anything.

"Well you are supposed to show RESPECT."

How is a tie respectful?  It just accidentally gets in all the dips and salsas.

Like I said, you are supposed to take your hat off during the National Anthem.  People can play the National Anthem wherever they WANT, though.  INCLUDING Bingo.  I know it's rare but they COULD.

and what about nudist colonies?  I've never been to one, someone would have to tell me what it's like.  Are there CEREMONIES?  Do they RAISE a FLAG?

Any "nudists" out there get back at me.

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